.. This is part of the Photini documentation. Copyright (C) 2012-15 Jim Easterbrook. See the file ../DOC_LICENSE.txt for copying condidions. Image importer ============== The ``Import photos`` tab (keyboard shortcut ``Alt+I``) allows you to copy photographs from your digital camera or anywhere else on your computer (for example, a camera memory card if your computer has a card reader). Whilst there are many other programs to do this, I've never found one that does things the way I want, so I added one to Photini. Note that you can only import directly from cameras if you have installed python-gphoto2 (which is not available on Windows). See :ref:`installation ` for more detail. The key part of the importer is the "target format" field. This provides a very flexible way to specify where on your computer imported images should be stored. It uses ``%`` formats to generate file and directory names based on the image capture date & time. The most useful ones are ``%Y`` (year), ``%m`` (month number) and ``%d`` (day of the month) but many more are available. See the `Python documentation `_ for a complete list. As well as the date & time format strings, bracketed keywords can be used to manipulate parts of the file name: ======== ================================== ======= keyword meaning example ======== ================================== ======= (name) the complete file name IMG_9999.JPG (number) the numeric part of the file name 9999 (root) the filename without its extension IMG_9999 (ext) the filename extension .JPG ======== ================================== ======= Below the "target format" field is an example generated from the current format to help you edit it correctly. Note that Photini stores a different target format for each camera or source folder that you use. This can be useful if you have two cameras that use the same file names. For example, I use ``/home/jim/Pictures/from_camera/%Y/%Y_%m_%d/IMGe(number)(ext)`` for my DSLR to rename files from ``IMG_9999.JPG`` to ``IMGe9999.JPG`` so they don't clash with files from my compact camera, which also uses names like ``IMG_9999.JPG``. .. image:: ../images/screenshot_31.png After connecting one or more cameras and pressing the "refresh" button, a camera can be chosen from the "